Fysiotherapie Eindhoven Spinefysio

Informatie over Fysiotherapie Eindhoven Spinefysio
- maandag: 08:00–21:00
- dinsdag: 08:00–21:00
- woensdag: 08:00–21:00
- donderdag: 08:00–21:00
- vrijdag: 08:00–21:00
- zaterdag: 09:00–14:00
- zondag: Gesloten
Fysiotherapie Eindhoven ✔️ Specialist in Rugpijn, Nekpijn en Hoofdpijn ✔️ Behandeling binnen 24 uur zonder verwijzing ✔️ Volledige vergoeding.
“MEER DAN 20 JAAR ERVARING” SPOED afspraak nodig? : Whatsapp
Spinefysio kijkt naar de totale gezondheidstoestand en richt zich niet alleen op herstel, maar ook op preventie. Na een deskundig onderzoek wordt er een behandelplan opgesteld. Deze zijn volgens de laatste ‘evidence based practice‘ richtlijnen. Hierdoor krijgt U altijd de beste behandeling die voor U van toepassing is. Wij zijn specialist in rugpijn, nekpijn en manuele therapie. Als fysiotherapie Eindhoven praktijk hebben wij al honderden patiënten geholpen.
SpineFysio levert ‘evidence based therapie’, waardoor u altijd de beste therapie krijgt die voor u van toepassing is. Vaak binnen 6 behandeling al resultaat! Jouw Fysio Eindhoven is in de buurt! Meld je vandaag nog aan.
Spinefysio is al meer dan 20 jaar gespecialiseerd in nekpijn, rugpijn en hoofdpijn. Manuele therapie is zeer effectief in combinatie met oefentherapie. Vaak al binnen 3-6 behandelingen resultaat.
Klanten zijn tevreden over: snelheid afspraak, individuele persoonlijk aanpak (geen groepstraining), snelle pijnafname, flexibiliteit openingsuren en gratis parkeergelegenheid. Spinefysio scoort een 4,8 google tevredenheidsscore.
Fysiotherapie & Manuele Therapie wordt volledig vergoed vanuit de aanvullende verzekering. De behandelingen hebben geen invloed op uw eigen risico.
Spinefysio heeft als doel om u zo snel mogelijk van uw lichamelijke klachten af te helpen. Wij geloven dat u met hulp van onze behandelmethode meer vertrouwen krijgt in uzelf en de klachten binnen 6 tot 8 behandelingen verdwijnen. Spinefysio gelooft niet in oneindig doorbehandelen.
Bij Spinefysio staat persoonlijke aandacht en een actieve aanpak centraal. Wij hebben ervaren fysiotherapeuten en werken alleen individueel. Onze fysiotherapeuten maken samen met u persoonlijke doelen die regelmatig geëvalueerd worden. Met een persoonlijk huiswerkprogramma onderhoud u het behaalde resultaat en voorkomt u klachten in de toekomst.
U kunt bij ons terecht voor manuele therapie, fysiotherapie voor uw nek en rug, fysiotherapie voor hoofdpijn (spanningshoofdpijn / cervicogene hoofdpijn), fysiotherapie voor duizeligheid (BPPD), dry needling.
De praktijk voor fysiotherapie en manuele therapie is voor patienten, met en zonder een verwijzing direct toegankelijk. Tijdens het eerste gesprek wordt er bepaald of fysiotherapie en/of manuele therapie het meest geschikt is voor u. Spinefysio heeft meer dan 15 jaar ervaring in het onderzoeken en behandelen van nekpijn, rugpijn, hoofdpijn en duizeligheid.
Fysiotherapie Eindhoven Spinefysio: Meningen
Fantastische ervaring: I had a good a treatment from Spinefysio for my neck pain and back pain. Both pain are gone after the treatment. the treatment of my back also helped on healing my foot issue(Plantar fasciitis).
Fantastische ervaring: I went there with a pain in the back. After four sessions the pain is gone. Great job. Thanks
Fantastische ervaring: I went to Spinefysio to get treatment for my neck pain. Apparently it was caused by bad posture during my daily activity. In the sessions i got treatment to improve flexibility in my neck. I was also given exercises to do at home for correcting my posture and improving my mobility. After 6 sessions, the pain is almost gone and I feel better and better everyday.
Fantastische ervaring: I went there because I had a problem with my knee and I got a very nice treatment and after 4 weeks my knee feels healthy and stronger.
Fantastische ervaring: It was really helpful, for initial treatment, didnt felt much improvement, but later i understood after completing the treatment i felt much better now. Physio is very friendly and helps getting better and better. i had a shoulder trouble and he sorted out. highly recommended
Fantastische ervaring: was my second time to be here and highly recommend. it is very helpful to release my back pain, with the exercises.
Fantastische ervaring: Great experience. I would recommend. My very bad neck pain was cured by few sessions with Dennis.
Fantastische ervaring: Denis immediately identified the source of the issue and (while following religiously the regular exercises he recommended) brought me back to normal. Very happy with his 'hands on' approach and friendly manner. I would recommend him to others.
Fantastische ervaring: Ik had pijn in mijn rechterheup , dit al een hele tijd en heb toch maar eens een afspraak gemaakt om te kijken of het zou helpen, blijkbaar kwam het allemaal vanuit mijn rug die helemaal vast zat ! Deze laten kraken / manuele therapie toegepast en de dag erna waren mijn klachten al zo goed als verdwenen. Ik ben tevreden !
Positieve ervaring: 1 ste x lastig te vinden. Maar gratis parkeren voor de deur.zo goed geholpen met mijn rugpijn..alzoveel therapieën gehad...niks werkte. Nu gewoon van mijn klachten af..zo blij...
Fantastische ervaring: Ik heb spinefysio gevonden via Google. Door dat ik de recensies had gelezen dacht ik daar moet ik heen. Samen met Dennis een plan opgesteld en duidelijke oefeningen mee na huis gekregen. Na 6 behandelingen merkte ik al heel veel verschil. Dit is de eerste keer in jaren dat ik zo veel vooruit ben gegaan en ben na veel verschillende fysiotherapeuten geweest. De nek en rugpijn zijn heel erg verminderd dus echt zeker een aanrader voor iedereen met klachten!!!! Mvg
Fantastische ervaring: Ik ben zeer goed geholpen door professionele manuele therapie van Dennis Raijmakers van de Spinefysio. Mijn duizeligheid is 90 procent afgenomen dat het door mijn vast zittende nek door is gekomen. Ik beveel hem echt aan iedereen die ze niet meer weten hoe en verder. Hij heeft kennis en overzicht en eerlijke behandeling zie je tegenwoordig niet bij de andere grote bedrijven fysio’s.
Fantastische ervaring: Dennis heeft mij prettig behandeld betreft mijn duizeligheidsklachten en hoofdpijn. Na 6 behandelingen was dit zo goed al weg. Mochten de klachten weer terugkomen, ga ik zeker terug naar Dennis.
Fantastische ervaring: Great and professional service. After four treatments I got rid of my neck and shoulder pain, which I had been dealing with for several weeks. Fully satisfied and highly recommended.
Fantastische ervaring: Very knowledgeable! Definitely recommend based on my backache treatment experience!
Fantastische ervaring: When I went for the first time I could barely walk and bend, came out of the first session ready to do a 8 hours shift. In the following sessions things only improve. A great physiotherapist and sure improvement.
Fantastische ervaring: Very happy with the rehab after my back injury. It was a pretty serious disk injury and the manual therapy approach had me up and running within a week!
Fantastische ervaring: Fast response. First treatment on the same day after the first call in the morning. Friendly and professional. He solved my hip pain by treatment on my back which was a surprise. Clear effect after the first treatment.
Fantastische ervaring: Very responsive, life saver in emergencies, highly recommended.
Fantastische ervaring: Great results in a short time. Highly recommended.
Fantastische ervaring: I was assigned as needing surgery and was taking strong painkillers so I just visited Spinefysio with a lot of pain in left leg due to an hernia and in just one session I improved a lot and was able to walk again without pain. Very experienced and kind staff that will look for the root cause of the problem and help you solve it in the long term.
Fantastische ervaring: The doctor greatly helped me recover from an injury that was causing me severe neck and back pain. Focuses on long term well being rather than short term relief, totally recommended
Fantastische ervaring: Fantastic service! It was very quick to make an appointment without waiting. After five sessions I felt huge improvement. I highly recommend this place!
Fantastische ervaring: I've been to 3 different physios in Eindhoven and they didn't help at all. After 6 sessions with Dennis my problem has been solved. Highly recommend!
Fantastische ervaring: Highly recommend visiting Spinefysio if you are having any issues. Patrick was an absolute pleasure to deal with and does everything he can to help you!
Fantastische ervaring: The practicioner had great experience and the pain got away after following 5 sessions.
Fantastische ervaring: I am absolutely grateful to find Dennis in my neighbourhood. He helped me to deal with the lower back issue which I have for a long time. What is the most valuable, that Dennis has an intention not only to treat the current issue but also to teach you to prevent the issue in the future.
Fantastische ervaring: Very professional. Always takes the time to explain what is happening during the sessions. Gives excellent exercises to improve flexibility. Speaks great English as well! Would recommend to any expat.
Fantastische ervaring: I visited Spinefysio with a severe backpain that I experienced while I was bending at home to pick up something and after that the pain became worse and worse . Thankfully , I found Spinefysio and on my second visit itself , the pain was reduced to 70% . The physiotherapist also advised some excersises to do at home and after 5 sessions , I am so much better. I totally reccommend this clinic for everyone who has been suffering with backache.
Fantastische ervaring: Patrick helped me a lot and treated my injured shoulder. He relieved my pain, showed me how to stretch and then gave me exercises to strengthen my shoulder. I don't think I would recover neatly without his help. I am very glad to find this practice, can't thank Patrick enough.
Fantastische ervaring: I had appointment with Denis and he is really good at manual therapy. Helped me a lot with my Lower back pain
Fantastische ervaring: I have been having back and neck issues for a long time, and no professional has been able to help, until I came to Spinefysio.
Fantastische ervaring: Went there with severe neck pain. Just in 4 sessions its almost gone. Highly recommended.
Fantastische ervaring: I experienced pain in my back, shoulder and neck that has been relieved with only 4 treatments and some exercises. I never expected such a huge result within one month of treatment!
Fantastische ervaring: The appointment was arranged really fast. Excellent service. He solved my neck and back pain in few sessions.
Fantastische ervaring: I was having lot of pain in my back for weeks. Having difficulties in deep breathing. With help of Dennis, I get rid of my pain. I can see the effects from first session onwards. I took my only 5 session to get rid of pain completely
Fantastische ervaring: Originating from a diplomatic background, on a world wide level, from USA, Australia to several countries in Europe; I must say, I am highly impressed and pleased with Spineysio's experienced physiotherapists, their professionalism and courteous service.
Fantastische ervaring: Back and neck pains and restriction of movement almost entirely gone after two sessions. very professional and kind therapist.
Fantastische ervaring: I was suffering from back pain and Dennis managed to fix it in a couple of sessions. He suggested a combination of physiotherapy and manual-therapy that worked perfectly. Excellent service.
Fantastische ervaring: I had a lot of lower back pain that especially intensified 5 months ago. First I went to the GP, but she only prescribed pain killers (paracetamol). Then I looked for help at a chiropractor, had several sessions, but pain only intensified. I did a CT and found out that I have a 6 mm hernia. 3 months had passed, the pain had not gone down, was still very strong and I was losing all joy in life. Then I looked for a physiotherapist. Spinefysio caught my attention, because they had a wealth information on their website about back problems and how to treat these. I decided to give it a try and booked my first appointment with Dennis from Spinefysio. Already after the first visit I left with much less pain! I could not believe it. In total I visited Spinefysio for 6 times and now my pain is completely gone! I am very satisfied and can highly recommend this practice!
Fantastische ervaring: Definitely worth to try this PT when you have back problems.
Fantastische ervaring: I was in a lot of pain two weeks ago. I almost couldn't move my head and neck because of the intense neck pain that I had. Someone recommended me to go to Spinefysio. I've been treated by Dennis and after my third visit the pain has gone away completely. Even after my first appointment I was feeling better. I highly recommend Spinefysio!
Fantastische ervaring: In a few sessions, Dennis got the issues sorted out with my neck and showed me how to stay mobile. Thanks again!
Fantastische ervaring: Has dealt with all my neck, shoulder and upper body issues very well! Plus, easy to make appointments and great communication.
Fantastische ervaring: Denis helped me a lot with therapy and excercise program. He is commited to his work and no-nonsense, focuses to help you, does not push for a lengthy scheme with bs no-cure intakes.
Fantastische ervaring: I used to get a lot of pain in my back due to prolonged sitting at work. I took about 6 sessions of manual therapy for my back. Started to see improvements right from the first session. The combination of weekly suggested excises, which I could easily do at home, and the sessions themselves helped me with the back pain and back strength
Fantastische ervaring: I came to Spinefysio Fysiotherapie with a very serious hernia (extremely intense pain, hardly able to move, not sleeping more than 40 in a row,...) Neurologist told me that the only solution was going through surgery. When I started my treatment with Rens I experienced slow but important improvements. The recovery process was long, hard, and painful. But eventually I got recovered to have a normal, reasonable painless life. Highly recommended physiotherapists.
Fantastische ervaring: Dennis has helped me tremendously with my upper back and neck issues. He is extremely knowledgeable and helpful, and I would highly recommend his practise to anyone.
Fantastische ervaring: Great physiotherapist! excellent service and prompt appointments. Dennis did a great job in fixing my back and teaching me some simple exercises that alleviated my pain and helped my spine to be in a better posture.
Fantastische ervaring: I had a great experience. I was referred to Spinefysio by a friend who had great experience. I was told by initial diagnosis that my problem will be addressed in 6 sessions, but made it clear that it all depends on how much seriously i take the excercises recommended. My problem is resolved in 4 sessions. The specialist has been very nice and honest and he could diagnose the problem at the first time correctly. I would strongly recommend people to go with Spinefysio if you have problems like back pain and sincerely follow the recommendations suggested by him.
Fantastische ervaring: I was at Spinefysio because i could not move my head more then 40 degrees and suffered from continous vertigo and headaches. I went there for 2 sessions. After the first session i was immediatly able to move my head 70 degress ,and the dizziness ceased. The next day i woke up painfree. The vertigo has not returned. I have received various exercises which i have done every day. A week later I had my second session and I was again able to move my head the 90 degrees i should. I feel much looser and had no more trouble with headaches or vertigo. I was impressed by his profesionality, and swift and controlled manipulations. I could not be happier and wholeheartedly recommend Spinefysio to anybody who has muscular problems.
Fantastische ervaring: Excellent service, flexible hours and great training practices to also do at home. All in all, a great Physiotherapy clinic! :)
Fantastische ervaring: I was with a really bad pain in my back and after some sessions I can say that I am much much better.
Fantastische ervaring: Excellent treatment in a very pleasant environment which has free designated parking outside the door. If you do not speak Dutch do not worry as Dennis speaks excellent English. Took me months to realize I needed to get treatment but now after a few weeks I am very glad I had it and also that I found Spinefysio.
Fantastische ervaring: I got mi Achilles ruptured and recovered here with very good care. Thank Dennis for his advise and work.
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